[24. 14] First Player
The Soviet Player moves first.
[24.21] U.S. Forces
U.S. 8th Mechanized Division
[24.22] Soviet Forces
Soviet 27th Motorized Division
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division
[24.41] U.S. Set-Up
See Scenario Charts for U.S. initial -set-up (8th Mech Div: 3/ 8 AC Regt; !st Bde).
[24.42] U.S. Reinforcements
Game-Turn I: 2nd Bde/ 8th Mech enters west mapedge.
Game-Turn 2: All remaining U.S. units that do not set up initially enter west mapedge, using one column Division March Order (1st Bde, DIVTAC, DIV ARTY, 3rd Bde, DIVMAIN, DISCOM).
[24.43] Soviet Set-Up
No Soviet units start on the map.
[24.42] Soviet Reinforcements
Game-Turn 1: All Soviet units enter east mapedge.
[24.51] Victory Points
Victory Points are awarded to the Soviet Player for exiting tank regiments from the map.
1. 3/ 8 AC Regt sets up in DZ mode broken down into troops A through D (in the following hexes respect ively) : A (1731, 1630, 1831 ); B (2232, 2132, 2333) ; C (1939, 1938, 1940); D (2347, 2447, 2348).
1st Bde (all uni ts) sets up in any hexes in or adj acent to Giessen (0240) . 2nd Bde enters west mapedge , Game-Turn 1. Remainder of division enters west mapedge, Game-Turn 2, in column division march order, at one-half Movement Allowance for Game-Turn 2 only.
[25.14] First Player
The U.S. Player moves first.
[25.21] U.S. Forces
U.S. 3rd Armored Division
[25.22] SovietForces
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division
Soviet 11th Guards Tank Division
[25.41] U.S. Set-Up
No U.S. units start on the map.
[25.42] U.S. Reinforcements
Game-Turn 1: All U.S. units enter south mapedge.
[25.43] Soviet Set-Up
No Soviet units start on the map.
[25.44] Soviet Reinforcements
Game-Turn 1: All Soviet units enter east mapedge.
[25.51] Victory Points
Victory Points are awarded to the Soviet Player for exiting tank regiments from the map.
[26.14] First Player ·
The Soviet Player moves first.
[26.21] U.S. Forces
U.S. 8th Mechanized Division
U.S. 4th Brigade/ 4th Mechanized Division
[26.22] Soviet Forces
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division
Soviet 27th Motorized Division
Soviet 11th Guards Tank Division
[26.42) U.S. Reinforcements
Game-Turn 4: 4th Mech Bde enters west mapedge
[26;44] Soviet Reinforcements
Game-Turn 4: I I th Gd Tank Div enters east mapedge
time of entry)
[26.51] Victory Points
Victory Points are awarded to the Soviet Player for exiting tank regiments from the map.
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division is not illustrated.
[27 .14] First Player
The U.S. Player moves first.
[27.21] U.S. Forces
U.S. 8th Mechanized Division
[27.22] Soviet Forces
Soviet 27th Motorized Division
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division
[27.42] U.S. Reinforcements
Game-Turn 1: 2nd Bde/8th Mech Div enters west mapedge
Game-Turn 2: All remaining U.S. units that do not set up initially enter west mapedge.
[27.43] SovietSet-Up
No Soviet units start on the map.
[27 .44] Soviet Reinforcemenls
Game-Turn 1: All Soviet units begin to enter east mapedge.
[27.51] Victory Points
Victory Points are awarded to the Soviet Player for exiting tank regiments from the map.
2. 3/8 AC Regt sets up in DZ mode broken down into troops A through D (in the following hexes spectively): A (0804, 0704, 0905); B (1923, 1924, -1925); C (0809, 0808, 0810); D (1518, 1519, 1618). 1st Bde (all units) sets up in any hexes in or adjacent to hex 0111. 2nd Bde enters west mapedge, Game-Turn I. Remainder of division enters wes tmapedge, Game-Turn 2, in column division march order, at one-half Movement Allowance for Game-Turn 2 only .
Marburg Variation
[28.14] First Player
The U.S. Player moves first.
[28.21] U.S. Forces
U.S. 3rd Armored Division
[28.22] Soviel Forces
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division
Soviet 11th Guards Tank Division
[28.42] U.S. Reinforcements
Game-Turn 1: All U.S. units enter the west mapedge.
[28.44] Soviet Reinforcemenls
Game-Turn 1: All Soviet units enter the east mapedge.
Victory Points are awarded to the Soviet Player for exiting tank regiments from the map.
Marburg Variation
[29.14] First Player
The Soviet Player moves first.
[29.21] U.S. Forces
U.S. 8th Mechanized Division
U.S. 4th Brigade/4th Mechanized Division
U.S. 2/11 AC Sqd/ 11 th Armored Cavalry Regiment
[29.22] Soviet Forces
Soviet 7th Guards Tank Division
Soviet 27th Motorized Division
Soviet 11th Guards Tank Division
[29.42] U.S. Reinforcements
Game-Turn 4: 4th Mech Bde enters west mapedge (see 29.6 for special rules affecting this time of entry).
[29.44] Soviet Reinforcements
Game-Turn 4: 11th Gd Tank Div enters east mapedge (see 29.6 for special rules affecting this time of entry)
Victory Points are awarded to the Soviet Player for exiting tank regiments from the map.